What to Expect Post Stem Cell Procedure

What to Expect Post Stem Cell Procedure

Are you considering stem cell therapy to help relieve your pain? The Advanced Stem Cell Institute offers various types of stem cell therapy in our multiple California locations including Los Angeles, Encino, and San Francisco. Before receiving treatment, many patients are curious as to what to expect after a stem cell treatment has been performed. This article hopes to help answer some of many patient’s questions and answer any others over the phone or in person!




Your recovery from a stem cell transplant or injection is highly dependent on how well you treat your body post-procedure. Similarly to a classical surgery, each patient’s recovery will vary widely, however, there are some general guidelines to be followed with the number 1 being: Listen to your body! Your new cells, just like a baby’s, are very impressionable and tender and it is imperative to treat them as such. We recommend discontinuing the use of anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) before and after your therapy. Additionally, it is important for your new cells to receive all the nutrients they need to replicate and thrive, so a healthy diet rich in proteins and natural foods is very important. If you want to give yourself the best chance at a successful stem cell treatment, the doctors at the Advanced Stem Cell Institute of Los Angeles will tailor your post-procedure treatment plan to fit you and your new delicate cell’s needs.

Post Stem Cell Procedure



It is common for a patient to experience some pain related to the stem cell procedure, but it is normally short-lived and within the first week or by week 2, the patient’s pain subsides. Patients receiving stem cell therapy can expect to be sore at the site of injection and the harvesting site. Some patients report muscle spasms post-procedure at the site of harvest but this is common and nothing to be worried about. Your pain will fluctuate often and you can expect to have good days and bad, but it is important to listen to your body and the pain that you do experience, so you do not damage your new cells and your body can heal most optimally. Stretching, deep breathing/meditation, coupled with using ice and heat on the injection sites will help decrease inflammation and the initial post-procedural pain. Avoid major activities and especially twisting and overloading the affected joint for at least the first month and maybe longer depending on your injury and your recovery.




During the first month after your stem cell therapy, you should engage only in light activities and be sure to move around at least every hour as a body in motion stays in motion. Anti-inflammatory medications are not recommended for the first month because your body has a natural anti-inflammatory process that propagates your new cells and the regenerative process. Although every patient’s post-operative experience is different, stem cell doctors at the Advanced Stem Cell Institute of Los Angeles note that it can take up to 6-12 months for the stem cells to completely heal an affected area, but they should know how well your new cells are doing after your first 6 weeks of recovery. Sometimes patients require more than one treatment to reach complete healing or the doctors may administer a PRP therapy booster to further stimulate and potentiate stem cell regeneration. The Board-certified Regenerative Medicine specialists and doctors will help guide you through a successful post-procedure treatment plan to help your new stem cells reach their highest potential.

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