Top 5 Reasons to Consider Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

Top 5 Reasons to Consider Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

Platelet-rich plasma therapy is a regenerative medicine technique that harnesses the body’s own healing power to provide the patient with relief from painful symptoms.  It can be used in conjunction with stem cell therapy to make stem cell therapy more effective.  Or, it can be used on its own to provide relief.  Keep reading for the top five reasons to consider platelet-rich plasma therapy as a part of your treatment plan.


  1. Platelet Rich Plasma Is Safe

            One of the biggest draws of platelet-rich plasma therapy is that it is relatively safe.  Of course, there is always some level of risk in any kind of medical procedure.  However, with platelet-rich plasma, the main risk lies in the actual injection.  There is a risk of potential infection or soreness at the injection site.  But, platelet-rich plasma uses the patient’s own blood, which means there is no risk of rejection as in other forms of treatment.  In addition, it offers the patient relief with far fewer risks than other forms of treatment such as surgery or prescription medication.


  1. Very Little Downtime

            Platelet-rich plasma therapy is a very simple procedure with very little downtime.  In total, the procedure takes about 45 minutes to draw the patient’s blood, centrifuge it, and inject it back into the patient.  While the patient may experience some soreness, which may cause them to take it easy for a day, patients are typically up and doing their normal activities the same day.  The procedure is outpatient, and patients usually begin to feel relief within the first month.

  1. Platelet-Rich Plasma Can Be Used To Treat A Variety Of Conditions

There has been a significant amount of research conducted on platelet-rich plasma.  However, there is still plenty of more research that needs to be done to understand the extent of its capabilities fully.  What research has shown us is that platelet-rich plasma is very beneficial for those suffering from orthopedic problems.  It can be used to minimize pain in those suffering from arthritis, or tendon, ligament, or muscle tears in any of the joints.  Having a treatment that works on a variety of different body parts is revolutionary, especially because it has so few potential side effects.


  1. It Can Make Other Treatments More Effective

In addition to the effectiveness of platelet-rich plasma on its own, it can also make other treatments more effective.  For example, patients who are undergoing stem cell therapy may also receive platelet-rich plasma therapy.  This is because platelet-rich plasma therapy increases the efficacy of stem cell therapy by recruiting natural healing factors in the body to the site of injection.


  1. It Works!

Last but definitely not least, platelet-rich plasma works!  There is no doubt that platelet-rich plasma works.  Not only has there been research and clinical trials with results that show platelet-rich plasma is effective.  But, there are plenty of patient testimonials that show platelet-rich plasma really does work.  It is an up and coming treatment that can see patients from years of prescription medication and surgery down the line.  And, it has the ability to improve patients’ quality of life.

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