There Is Hope For Those With Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

There Is Hope For Those With Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

Diabetic peripheral neuropathy is a common condition that affects many people in the United States. It is a type of nerve damage that occurs most often in people who have diabetes. People who suffer fro diabetic peripheral neuropathy typically notice symptoms in their lower extremities. Some people who suffer from the condition may only notice numbness and tingling. However, others may notice extreme pain that is debilitating. Fortunately, there is hope for those suffering from diabetic peripheral neuropathy and it comes in the form of stem cell therapy.

Peripheral neuropathy is one of four different types of neuropathy that can occur due to a diabetic diagnosis. It is the most common form of diabetic neuropathy and typically affects the feet and legs before traveling to the hands and arms. Most patients report feelings of tingling and numbness or sharp cramping pain. In some cases, sensitivity to touch is a big problem. Simply feeling bedsheets can cause a significant amount of pain for some patients. As the neuropathy worsens, ulcers, infections, and joint and bone pain can become common problems.

Unfortunately, the exact cause of diabetic peripheral neuropathy is unknown. It is believed that over time, high blood sugar damages nerves which interfere with their ability to send signals normally. High blood sugar can also lead to weakened blood vessels which are responsible for supplying the nerves with enough oxygen. Having uncontrolled diabetes, kidney disease, being overweight, and smoking all contribute as risk factors for developing diabetic peripheral neuropathy.

Diabetic peripheral neuropathy is a serious problem. Left untreated, it can lead to loss of limbs, recurrent urinary tract infections, sharp drops in blood pressure, and sexual dysfunction. While the main goal should be to prevent the condition from developing through blood sugar management and foot care, some people will in fact develop the condition. For those suffering from diabetic peripheral neuropathy, there is hope that exists beyond traditional treatments.

Current traditional treatments include a heavy focus on slowing the progression of the disease, relieving painful symptoms, and managing complications. There is no cure for the condition. However, stem cell therapy has offered a new round of hope for those suffering from diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Stem cell therapy can help these patients by addressing damaged nerves, which are the underlying cause of disease. Stem cells are able to differentiate into nerve cells and help regenerate and replenish the damaged nerve cells in the body.

Diabetic peripheral neuropathy is a very difficult condition to live with. Patients notice numbness in their limbs which eventually progresses to pain. While currently, no cure exists for the condition, stem cell therapy offers hope that one day a cure may be possible. In the meantime, stem cell therapy works at the underlying cause of disease and can help to reverse damage caused by diabetic peripheral neuropathy and prevent the condition from worsening. Patients who have undergone stem cell therapy for diabetic peripheral neuropathy report feeling less pain and numbness, and having a better quality of life.

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