Surgical Recovery Using Stem Cell Therapy

Surgical Recovery Using Stem Cell Therapy

Traditional surgeries may require a long and painful process of recovery. Knee, shoulder, and most orthopedic surgeries will require considerable recovery time, and sometimes surgery is the only resort some patients get. One of the major causes of this situation is that many surgeons not only work toward correcting the main issue but they also as much as possible minimize the different aspects of damage that can be done to the surrounding tissue. That’s why surgeries like joint replacement surgeries take a much longer time to recover from.

A long recovery time is one common reason people usually avoid surgery. Today, however, advancements in the field of regenerative medicine have made it possible for patients to heal faster after orthopedic surgery. These advances have quickly added to improved recovery times.

Stem cell therapy as a part of the regenerative medicine field can be particularly useful to orthopedic patients as it offers various benefits to surgical patients and one of that is a potential shorter convalescence period and reduction of pain. How does surgical recovery work using stem cell therapy? Read on to understand how.

How stem cell therapy helps recovery after surgical procedures

A stem cell is an undifferentiated cell that has the ability to convert into a particular cell that the body needs. The body has several stem cells stored up in different areas of the body. These cells can be self-regenerative in nature, going on to heal the body of several diseases, and routinely maintain these body parts from wearing out. Stem cells have the ability to convert themselves into different types of cells in the body. They can also replace the damaged cells when necessary.

Of all the different types of cells available, one type of stem cell that is particularly useful for treating orthopedic injury is the mesenchymal stem cell. The mesenchymal stem cells are found in the bone marrow and can have the ability to multiply into cartilage, bone, and muscle cells. When injected with these mesenchymal stem cells, the body has a chance of naturally regenerating healthy tissue in those areas that have been injured.

Surgery carried out on the musculoskeletal system will affect the patient’s mobility. This can go on to affect the patient’s day-to-day activities, work, and interaction with other people. In the end, this will slow down the patient’s recovery process.

The mesenchymal stem cells can cause better activity in the musculoskeletal system of the body, and increase the blood flow and delivery of important nutrients in the body.

What to expect from stem cell therapy after surgery

Stem cell therapy has the prospects to reduce recovery time in patients. This improvement may not be noticeable immediately, but with time they start to show up. Some patients have been recorded to see noticeable differences within the first six weeks of starting stem cell therapy, while the majority will have to wait a couple of months to experience improvement.

Asides from the post-surgery recovery, mesenchymal stem cells can also be very useful in treating ACL tears, osteoarthritis,  rotator cuff injuries, and many other orthopedic problems.

The use of mesenchymal stem cells is very promising for patients with musculoskeletal and orthopedic injuries and conditions with a high chance of improvement over the next few years.

Studies on stem cell therapy show that lowered inflammation and an increase in biomechanics strength are other benefits of stem cell therapy. Also, it’s important to point out that the use of stem cell therapy to help with post-surgical healing is not only a safe procedure but also a non-invasive treatment modality that’s worth being taken into consideration for those who want to cut down on their recovery time.

Injuries and chronic conditions that affect the musculoskeletal system are not just painful, they also limit your daily activities. When surgery is necessary to repair and restore musculoskeletal function you now have an effective treatment option to accelerate healing and recovery. This means getting back to your daily life sooner. Stem cell therapy doctors are dedicated to helping you attain relief from pain and get back on your feet as soon as possible!

If you’re experiencing pain or discomfort from a previous surgical procedure, you may need stem cell therapy to completely heal from it as soon as possible. If you need a stem cell clinic in the Bay Area, the Advanced Cell Institute is available to answer your questions and provide the assistance you need. Visit us today and begin your consultation immediately.

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