Stem Cell Therapy Has the Potential to Treat Shoulder Bursitis

Stem Cell Therapy Has the Potential to Treat Shoulder Bursitis

Shoulder bursitis can make daily life difficult and painful. It is caused by a swelling of the shoulder joint that pushes on tendons, leading to chronic pain. Stem cell therapy is being considered as a treatment for shoulder bursitis because of its anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to regenerate tissue in injured areas.


What is Shoulder Bursitis?


Bursitis of the shoulder, or impingement syndrome, occurs when there are swelling and redness between the top of the arm bone and the tip of the shoulder. Between these bones lie the tendons of the rotator cuff and a fluid-filled sac called the bursa, which protects the tendons. Normally, the tendons slide effortlessly within this space. In some people, this space becomes too narrow for normal motion. This irritates the tendons and bursa, which become inflamed. Inflammation causes the tendons and bursa to swell, making the space for movement still smaller. Eventually, this space becomes too narrow for the tendons and the bursa. Every time they move, they are pinched between the bones. This is the impingement. Overuse of the shoulder joint, an injury, or chronic conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, can cause shoulder bursitis. Shoulder bursitis is most common in the subacromial bursa, which is a large bursa at the tip of the shoulder. It helps with smooth movement when the arm is lifted above the head. The most common cause of shoulder bursitis is the repetitive movement or overuse of the shoulder joint. Physical injuries and falls can also cause bursitis. Hobbies that put repeated stress on the shoulder, such as baseball, tennis, knitting, and weight training, can cause bursitis.


People with manual professions are more prone to bursitis of the shoulder, including athletes, painters, and musicians. Other medical conditions can cause or make someone more at risk for shoulder bursitis, including rheumatoid arthritis diabetes, and gout. When a physical injury causes bursitis of the shoulder, it can be treated within a few days. Recovery time is longer if bursitis is caused by overuse. It may take several weeks or more to heal, especially if the shoulder joint is still being used. Shoulder bursitis may take longer to heal if other shoulder problems are present, including tendinitis or bone problems. Bursitis can be chronic when medical conditions, particularly rheumatoid arthritis, cause it. Surgery is sometimes needed to treat shoulder bursitis. This can be done using a small incision with a special, minimally invasive probe called an arthroscope. During the surgery, the inflamed bursa, some of the bone and any spurs are removed to create a larger space for the rotator cuff tendons.


How Can Stem Cell Therapy Treat Shoulder Bursitis?


Currently, only animal studies have been done on shoulder bursitis treated with stem cell therapy. They have been successful in treating rats with shoulder conditions and shoulder bursitis. Bone marrow stem cells can differentiate into joint tissues, repairing the damaged and pinched nerves. Stem cells are also able to reduce inflammation in the shoulder joint.

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