Stem Cell Injections for Sciatic Pain

Stem Cell Injections for Sciatic Pain

Sciatic pain is a very common condition, especially as people age. It is caused by pain radiating from the sciatic nerve, which branches from the lower back to the hip, down through the leg. Sciatic pain is also known as sciatica. It typically occurs when a herniated disc or bone spur leads to the narrowing of the spinal canal. This causes the sciatic nerve to become compressed, thus leading to pain. Fortunately, there are non-invasive forms of treatment that can help those suffering from sciatica. Typically surgery is only reserved for the most severe cases.

Sciatica pain can vary widely from person to person. However, the hallmark sign of the illness occurs when patients feel pain radiating from their lower back down to their calf muscle. This is the same pathway that the nerve runs. Some people may feel a dull ache, while others can feel an intense burning sensation. Typically patients find only one side of the body is affected as opposed to both sides. In more severe cases, the pain can lead to a numb or tingling feeling in the leg or foot.

At a base level, sciatica is caused when the sciatic nerve becomes pinched by either a herniated disc or a bone spur. Sciatica is most common in people of older age. As the body ages, the cushioning between the vertebrae breaks down, and this can lead to herniated discs. In addition, those people who are overweight are at heightened risk of sciatic pain. The extra weight puts more pressure on the spine, thus triggering sciatica. People who carry heavy things, twist, or sit for long periods of time are also at increased risk for developing sciatica. In rare cases, diabetes can be the culprit. Diabetes can damage nerves in the body, thus leading to pain.

Fortunately, sciatica can usually be treated with at-home care. This can include anything from medication to physical therapy. Sciatica usually goes away on its own in a couple of weeks. However, if the pain persists longer, physician intervention may be necessary. Physicians can give steroid injections to help the pain, and in very severe cases where the patient is losing control of bowels or bladder, surgery may be needed to remove whatever structure is pinching the nerve. Fortunately, stem cell injections offer another mildly invasive stem patients can try before surgical intervention is recommended.

Sciatic pain can be very difficult to deal with. When it is present, people may find they have trouble performing day-to-day activities or maintaining a healthy lifestyle through exercise. Fortunately, sciatica is usually self-treatable and goes away in less than a month. However, in more severe cases, other forms of treatment, such as stem cell injections or surgery may be necessary. Exercising regularly, maintaining proper posture, and healthy body mechanics are steps all people can take to prevent developing sciatica. While sciatic pain does typically dissipate on its own, if patients do feel the pain getting worse they should seek medical attention to ensure the condition does not cause any permanent damage.

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