Hair loss or Alopecia is usually a disturbing condition for many people and is usually associated with many causes which range from hereditary conditions, hormonal changes, medications, and fungal infections to other skin diseases or medical conditions. Treatment options for hair loss depend on the cause. There are several treatment options explored in the management of this condition. Recent research findings have shown the numerous benefits of stem cell therapy in treating hair loss and promoting hair growth.

Causes of hair loss

Different types of hair loss are caused by different conditions. Some of the known causes of alopecia include; genetics, hormonal imbalances, chemotherapy and radiation treatments, stress, tight hairstyles, use of harsh hair care products, burns, scalp psoriasis, thyroid disease, fungal infection of the scalp, malnutrition, autoimmune conditions and so on.

A common autoimmune disease that results in hair thinning and hair loss is Alopecia areata. In severe cases, this condition results in total hair loss. The body’s immune system attacks hair follicles resulting in hair loss from the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, and other parts of the body with hair.

Fungal infections caused by Tinea capitis can also result in scaly and itchy bald patches of skin on the scalp. If this is not treated, the condition can spread and cause severe hair loss.

It is also common to see women lose hair after pregnancy, childbirth, or menopause. This type of hair loss is caused by hormonal changes or imbalances. Mediations like anticonvulsants, thyroid medications, anticoagulants, and oral retinoids have been found to cause hair loss in patients.

Symptoms of hair loss

It is natural to lose some hair daily. However, when hair is lost faster and in more quantity than normal, it becomes a cause for concern. In some cases, the first sign of hair loss is noticeable thinning of the hair, receding hairline, excessive shedding of hair, or patches of bald spots on the scalp.

The symptoms of hair loss vary between individuals, sexes, and age groups. However, when people notice abnormal changes in their hair texture, length, color, and thickness, it is advised to seek medical help. Identifying the cause of hair loss is the first step to finding a solution.

In many elderly people, hair loss is simply one of the symptoms of old age. One of the anti-aging benefits of stem cell therapy includes reversing hair loss and promoting hair growth in bald areas. Patients who need such services can access anti-aging stem cell therapy in Los Angeles and other standard clinics in the country.

Stem cell therapy for hair loss

Stem cells are the body’s natural raw materials for self-renewal, healing, repair, and regrowth. They possess unique anti-inflammatory and immuno-modulatory properties that have made them the focus of modern medical research for several years and are currently being explored in the treatment of hair loss. The use of stem cells may replace hair transplants in the nearest future. Stem cells can stimulate the regrowth of bald spots.

Naturally, damaged hair follicles are replaced by the stem cells in our body daily. With this knowledge in mind, medical experts can inject stem cells into affected areas to stimulate hair growth in patients with alopecia. Stem cell hair treatments are minimally invasive and very simple compared to hair follicle transplants. The stem cells used are harvested from the body and injected into the affected area.

Different types of stem cells have been used to treat hair loss in clinical trials and several stem cell clinics across the world resulting in very promising results with no adverse events. Some types of hair loss that have been treated effectively using stem cell therapies include; male androgenic alopecia, androgenic alopecia, and cicatricial alopecia.

Most stem cell clinics won’t offer specific guarantees on treatment results as this varies from person to person. Stem cell hair transplants are still under study and not much is known yet. Approved treatment options using stem cells for hair loss are offered by stem cell clinics in Los Angeles that are approved by the FDA. Patients need to avoid clinics that lack the necessary qualifications and certifications to carry out such a procedure.

How long does recovery take after stem cell hair transplants?

Unlike surgical hair transplants, stem cell hair treatments do not require a long period of recovery. The procedure itself is short and does not usually take more than 4 hours. The pain from the injections subsides after a little while and the patient can go home right after the procedure is done. The patients can expect no adverse effects due to the procedure. Available research and clinical results show very promising results following treatment in most patients who received stem cell therapy for hair loss.

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